Our desire is to see every person connected to God's truth, equipped to follow Christ in daily life, and sent to fulfill His calling on their lives to reach the world with the gospel. If you do not yet know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, let us invite you to start here, by understanding the salvation He offers.
Jesus was born in a small rural town roughly 2,000 years ago. Throughout his ministry, Jesus performed miracles, preached messages and proclaimed He was God by His word and His works. As promised by the Old Testament Scriptures, Jesus was crucified on a Roman cross to save humanity from sin, Satan and death. On the third day, Jesus rose from death and appeared to hundreds before ascending into the clouds to join His heavenly Father.
The Bible tells us that once we find salvation in Christ, the next step in obedience to Him is to be baptized. Christian baptism is an important and personal display of faith, and one which is shared publicly as a testimony to a Christian’s commitment to following Jesus. It signifies that we are dead to our former life of sin, made clean, and resurrected to a new life in Jesus Christ.
Connecting at Salem is more than simply getting involved. It means making church a priority in your life. We form lasting friendships, worship Jesus together on Sunday and at other events, and grow together in our faith.
DISCOVER SALEM is a great opportunity for anyone looking to learn about the heartbeat of Salem.
This is a one-day presentation of everything you need to know about Salem. Each Discover Salem begins at 9a and ends in a casual lunch with an opportunity to get to know our Pastors and Deacons a little better.
Check for the next Discover Salem…
Connect Groups are small groups of people who gather on Sunday mornings at 9a with a mission to grow more like Jesus and to reach people with the gospel. In Connect Groups, you can meet new friends and deepen your relationship with God by studying the Bible and be challenged to follow Jesus daily.
As a member of Salem, you are committing to being a person who generously loves people at home and around the world toward a growing relationship with Christ. You are specifically submitting to the authority of Scripture and committing to live a life in community, dedicated to the growth and the mission with this body of believers.
Read about Salem’s commitment to our church family.
We believe one of the best ways to grow in community is through serving. We have many opportunities for you to serve on Sundays and throughout the week.
We have opportunities to serve in Kids ministry, Student ministry, Connect groups and so many other areas. Just complete the form below and one of our pastors will contact you.
Every person who follows Jesus has the responsibility to make disciples who make disciples of Jesus. This is called “The Great Commission.” We want to help people be equipped for this God-given task.
We are committed to building up the next generation in the truth of who God is and what He has done for us in Christ. Every week SalemKids and Salem Students host gospel-centered programming that allows kids and students to have fun, growth, community, and care as they learn and engage in God’s Word.
Not sure what your spiritual gifts are? Complete the Spiritual gifts survey and someone will contact you to help you find your place.
Short-term mission trips, church planting and revitalization, serving through our local mission partners, or serving through long-term missions are just some of the ways you can personally share the gospel.
As a church, we desire to see all who call Salem home live their lives generously loving people toward a growing relationship with Christ. We desire to train up and equip people to share the gospel so we might see 5,000 homes in our community impacted with the Good News of Jesus.
Salem is committed to taking the gospel to Knoxville and to a world that is waiting to hear the name of Jesus. We do this first by sharing the gospel at home and in our community. We also do this by sending teams nationally and internationally throughout the year.